The Breadth of Gospel Grace

God's Grace Embracing and Uniting Us

Philippi was no ordinary city. Founded by Philip of Macedon, the father of Alexander the Great, it stood as a testament to military strategy, power, and expansion. Years after its establishment, Alexander himself left there, heading south towards Asia, towards ancient Troy to begin his global conquest. He passed through the Hellespont, of the rest of the world and the beginning of his new kingdom as he carried his conquest from Macedon into Asia. His mission was to subdue and rule the world, bringing it under the dominion of Greek culture and philosophy. He went forward with a sword and a vision of global dominion. Alexander and his successors unleashed hell on many.

As Alexander the Great lay dying at age 33, he was asked to whom he would leave his kingdom. "To the strongest," he replied. Those words unleashed two centuries of brutal warfare across the world.

When another young man prepared to die on a Greek-imported instrument of execution called 'the cross,' he answered such questions by saying, "My Kingdom is not of this world. If it servants would fight." By his voluntary death, Christ unleashed a movement of faith, hope, and love, of light and mercy, into a world darkened by death and despair. He fought for us rather than sending us to fight for him.

Centuries after Alexander’s march, another group of men passed along the same route, though headed in the opposite direction, carrying not weapons of war, but with the message of the cross of Christ. Paul and Silas journeyed back through these ancient pathways, not to kill and conquer, but to bring life through the gospel. Where Alexander’s conquest sought power, Paul’s journey sought to proclaim the One who had conquered sin and death itself though the weakness of the cross. They headed north into Macedon to bring the kingdom of heaven to Europe. Mission turned the gates of Hellespont into heaven’s open doors.

When God Says, “No” - Acts 16:1-10

Paul’s journey into Europe was not merely a missionary strategy—it was divinely orchestrated. The Holy Spirit had repeatedly prevented Paul and his companions from preaching in Asia. At first glance, this might seem confusing. Why would God say “No” to spreading the gospel in certain regions? The answer lay in God’s perfect timing and purpose.

It's been said, that God answers prayer in three ways: "Yes," "No," and “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Sometimes, His “No” is not a rejection but a redirection. Instead of Asia, Paul was called through a vision to Macedonia—a place that had never heard the gospel. The first convert in Europe would not be a king or a governor but a businesswoman seeking truth.

When the World Says, “Help!” - Acts 16:11-40

The will of God often exists at the intersection of the Spirit’s gifts in us and the world’s deep need around us. When Paul and Silas arrived in Philippi, they found not a synagogue, but a riverside prayer meeting where Lydia, a wealthy businesswoman, worshiped. God was already at work in her heart, preparing her to receive the message of salvation.

A Powerful Businesswoman - Lydia (Acts 16:11-15)

Lydia was a dealer in purple, a color associated with royalty, power, and prestige. Purple silk was a luxury commodity, selling for twelve times the price of white silk. This placed Lydia among the wealthy and influential. Though she had a home base in Thyatira, she was conducting business in Philippi, a strategic European city. Yet, despite her wealth, she still had a longing for something greater. When Paul spoke the gospel to her, she believed, and her entire household was baptized. Her home became the first church in Philippi, demonstrating that God’s grace embraces all—rich or poor, powerful or powerless.

A Powerless Slave Girl (Acts 16:16-24)

In stark contrast to Lydia stood a young slave girl. She was possessed by a spirit that allowed her to tell fortunes, making her masters a great deal of money. Her cries followed Paul and Silas: “These men are servants of the Most High God!” Even Satan tells the truth when it serves his purposes, but Paul, in the authority of Christ, commanded the spirit to leave her.

The transformation was immediate. She was set free from demonic oppression, but in the process, her owners saw their financial gain vanish. The same word used for the demon “coming out” is used for their profits being “gone.” When Christ sets people free, He overturns the systems of oppression that enslave them. Yet, this deliverance brought persecution upon Paul and Silas, as the city’s elite had them beaten and thrown into prison.

A Tough Roman Vet (Acts 16:22-34)

Imprisoned and shackled, Paul and Silas did not despair. Instead, they worshiped. Do you have a midnight song? A song that sustains you when the prison doors close and life seems unjust? As they sang, an earthquake shook the prison, flinging open the doors. But Paul did not see this as a means of escape—he saw it as an open door for the gospel.

The jailer, fearing for his life, was on the verge of suicide, thinking his prisoners had escaped. But Paul’s voice cut through the darkness: “Do not harm yourself, for we are all here.” Shaken to his core, the jailer asked, “What must I do to be saved?” He sought salvation from the wrath of Rome, but he found a far greater salvation in Christ. That night, he and his household believed and were baptized.

The Grace That Embraces and Unites

In Philippi, we see three radically different individuals brought into the family of God: a wealthy businesswoman, a powerless slave girl, and a hardened Roman jailer. The gospel does not discriminate. It reaches across social, economic, and cultural lines, drawing people into one new family in Christ.

Lydia opened her home, and it became the first church in Europe. The slave girl, once used for profit, found freedom and a new family in the faith. The jailer, once a man of duty and force, became a man of faith and service. Through the grace of God, they were united—not by status or background, but by Christ’s redeeming work.

The message of the cross had come back through the Hellespont —not to conquer, but to save. Where Alexander sought to rule through might, Christ rules through love. Where earthly conquest brought division and death, God’s grace in Christ created unity and life. And just as Philippi became a stronghold for the gospel, so too does the body of Christ continue to grow, embracing all who come to Him in faith.

In our own lives, we may feel like Lydia, successful yet still seeking. We may feel like the slave girl, bound and powerless. Or we may feel like the jailer, hardened by life’s struggles. But the same grace that embraced them is the grace that calls to us today. No matter where we come from, in Christ, we are one.


Statement of Purpose for a Renewed Evangelical-Reformed Cooperative Mission


Kingdom People