Ten Signs We Are Growing in Grace

We are growing in grace when we are more astonished that we are following Jesus than we are amazed that someone else doesn't.

We are growing in grace when the logs in our eyes loom larger in our concern than the specks in the eyes of others.

We are growing in grace when we stop measuring the spirituality of people by whether or not they agree with all of our doctrines instead of whether or not they're limping along behind Jesus with the rest of us

We are growing in Grace when we stop listening to sermons for others and start listening for ourselves.

We are growing in Grace when we measure personal holiness by how much of the Bible we obey rather than how much of it we read.

We are growing in Grace when the things in the world that break God’s heart break ours.

We are growing in grace when we find more authentic joy in forgiving than we find satisfying delight in resentment.

We are growing in grace when we are more thankful for the correction of our own missteps than celebrating our discernment of others ’ errors.

We are growing in grace when we are content to be a sign pointing seekers to the Savior instead of offering ourselves as a destination

We are growing in grace when we stop asking Jesus to make up for what falls short in our great work & instead confess our bankruptcy, asking him to fill up our total emptiness and be our all in all.


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