Reflections on Ascension

Ascension Day is one of those genuinely great Feasts that deserves so much more attention than we often give it. On this day, the Church marks Christ’s departure from the bonds of earth to take up the throne on high to reign as our King-Priest, interceding for us as he rules over us and all things. The Risen One has ascended on high and is enthroned in splendor at the Father's right hand.

What does that mean? For starters, it means that one of ours - a member of the human race - is on the Throne of God. Christ, truly and fully human (while never ceasing to be truly and fully God), descended to save us and then ascended to raise and exalt us. He who eschewed power so that he might serve and suffer has been given all authority in heaven and on earth and seated us with Him in heavenly places (Ephesians 1:20ff). 

The scepter of his kingdom holds sway in the Church and over the cosmos. Angels bow before him and all in heaven cry out, “Holy!” before the splendor of his majesty. His first Royal Act was to pour out the Spirit on his Church, and while Pentecost – which we celebrate ten days from now – cannot be repeated, neither has it been rescinded. The same power that raised the Son of God from the dead and impelled the Apostles forward dwells in and upon us today.

The One who ascended will come again in glory, with the clouds, just as he was seen in his departure. Lift up your heads and live in hope - the King is coming.

On this Feast of Ascension, look up in confidence to the One who intercedes for you; look up in expectation of the One who freely pours out the Spirit upon you; look up in comfort on the One whose scepter holds sway over all around you; and look up in hope for the One who will come again “just as you have seen him go” (Acts 1).

Christ has died.

Christ has risen.

Christ will come again. 

“Let God arise and his enemies be scattered… God has ascended on high… Summon your power O God… Awesome is God in his sanctuary – he who gives power to his people” – Ps. 68


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